PRO Pack energy saving theory②
Demand control system concomitantly used temperature monitoring system (Utility model registration number 3050592)

Despite demand control installations are manufactured by other companies, it is important to say that room temperature must be higher by turning off the air conditioner when demand power is likely to be over demand parameter. Then PRO Pack sets room temperature parameter and operates demand control by monitoring temperature. It also has a system stopping demand control if temperature goes up after turning off the air conditioner.
Ready cooling system
PRO Pack forecasts tomorrow's time and automatically turns the temperature setting down to super cooling condition before the time by studying time of commanding demand control from everyday's data. With ready cooling system, the average temperature keeps lower than without the system if the room temperature rises after stopping the air conditioner by demand control.Cost cut of electric charge by "decreasing difference of temperature when air conditioner turning on and off"
The chart of temperature changes by the normal air conditioner and with PRO Pack is as follows.